13/9/19- 27/9/19 (Week 3- Week 5)
Andrea Vie Choong Jia Qi (0331945)
Application Design I

Flight Booking Pass Design 


Lecture 3:-

13/9/19 (Week 3)

We had no lecture this week. 



Module Information Booklet (MIB)



Exercise 1: Flight Booking Pass Design

13/9/19 (Week 3)

We did an exercise on organizing and grouping information from the most important to the least important. We were given a sample of a flight booking pass.

Fig 1.1 Sample of Boarding Pass

We used Miro to list down the booking pass information and group them accordingly based on the primary to the secondary target audience. 

Fig 1.2 Miro Notes in organizing the data provided in the booking pass

After listing down the information, we had to redesign a new booking pass based on the new hierarchy of information. 

Fig 1.3 Progress of booking pass design

Here is the final outcome:

Fig 1.1 Final Design: Flight Booking Pass



13/9/19 (Week 3)

General feedback: Think from the perspective of each target audience and see which information do they look for the most and the least.

20/9/19 (Week 4)

There was no feedback given this week.

27/9/19 (Week 5)

There was no feedback given this week.


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