1/4/19 - 30/4/19 (Week 1- Week 5)
Andrea Vie Choong Jia Qi (0331945)
Advanced Typography
Typographic Systems | Type & Play (Part 1) | Type & Play (Part 2)
Lecture 1: Module Briefing
1/4/19 (Week 1)
Lecture 2: 8 Typographic Systems
9/4/19 (Week 2)
Each of us presented in groups on the typographic systems. Here is a compilation of the lecture slides.
Lecture 3:-
16/4/19 (Week 3)
We have no lecture this week.
Lecture 4: Compressed History Roman Alphabet
23/4/19 (Week 4)
A group of my classmates presented a lecture on the history of roman alphabets.
From this lecture presentation, I learned how letters were developed from the Romans and Greeks and made it easier for people today is recognized and easier to write. I also learned that pronunciation was developed and how it added vowels (a,e,i,o,u) to create for aesthetics and easy for people to communicate.
Lecture 5: -
30/4/19 (Week 5)
We had no lecture this week.
Module Information Booklet (MIB)
Design Layout Systems (Week 1- Week 4)
1/4/19 (Week 1)
We need to sketch two options for each of the 8 typographic systems. It is optional for us to start doing it digitally in Adobe InDesign. The content of the design is the given text by Mr. Vinod.
This is the information provided:
The Design School,
Taylor’s University
The Troublemakers Manifesto: A Design Colloquium
Open Public Lectures:
November 24, 2019
Lew Pik Svonn, 9AM-10AM
Ezrena Mohd., 10AM-11AM
Suzy Sulaiman, 11AM-12PM
November 25, 2019
Dr. Clarissa Ai Ling Li, 9AM-10AM
Professor John Sabraw, 10AM-11AM
Dr. Liyanna Khairuddin, 11AM-12PM
Lecture Theatre 12
Fig 2.1 Sketches #1
Fig 2.2 Sketches #2
9/4/19 (Week 2)
After sketching, we digitized in Adobe InDesign with a chosen typeface (Gill Sans MT) and used only black. I made some changes to the layout as some do not work well digitally.
Fig 2.3 Initial composition 1: Axial System
Fig 2.4 Initial composition 1: Radial System
Fig 2.5 Initial composition 1: Dilatational System
Fig 2.6 Initial composition: Random System
Fig 2.7 Initial composition 1: Grid System
Fig 2.8 Initial composition 1: Modular System
After getting feedback from Mr.Vinod and Mr.Shamsul, I made some refinement to the paragraph spacing/leading as well as moving the information back into the margins. I added one colour and a few elements.
Fig 2.11 Initial composition 2: Axial System
Fig 2.12 Initial composition 2: Radial System
Fig 2.13 Initial composition 2: Dilatational System
Fig 2.14 Initial composition 2: Random System
Fig 2.15 Initial composition 2: Grid System
Fig 2.16 Initial composition 2: Modular System
Fig 2.17 Initial composition 2: Transitional System
Fig 2.18 Initial composition 2: Bilateral System
23/4/19 (Week 4)
Fig 2.19 Final Composition: Axial System
Fig 2.20 Final Composition: Axial System
Fig 2.21 Final Composition: Radial System
Fig 2.22 Final Composition: Radial System
Fig 2.23 Final Composition: Dilatational System
Fig 2.24 Final Composition: Dilatational System
Fig 2.25 Final Composition: Random System
Fig 2.26 Final Composition: Random System
Fig 2.27 Final Composition: Grid System
Fig 2.28 Final Composition: Grid System
Fig 2.29 Final Composition: Modular System
Fig 2.30 Final Composition: Modular System
Fig 2.31 Final Composition: Transitional System
Fig 2.32 Final Composition: Transitional System
Fig 2.33 Final Composition: Bilateral System
Fig 2.34 Final Composition: Bilateral System
Fig 2.35 Thumbnail of Final Composition
Fig 2.36 Embedded PDF of Final Composition (Pages)
Fig 2.37 Embedded PDF of Final Composition (Spreads)
16/4/19 (Week 3)
We were briefed on our next exercise of type&play. We had to choose a photo of either a building structures, man-made objects or nature. I chose an image of a building that I took in Phuket Old Town last year.
Fig 3.1 Image of Tourism Information Centre, Phuket
Fig 3.2 Cropped image (final chosen image)
Fig 3.3 Process of tracing the lines (outlines of the building structure)
Then, identify the letters based on the structure.
Fig 3.5 Process of identifying the letters from the lines
Fig 3.6 Highlight letters from the traced lines (red)
After that, I wanted to enhance the characteristics of the letters so I added some thickness and imitate the style seen on the building lines.
Fig 3.7 Adding style and character to the identified letters
Fig 3.8 Placing the letters on a blank artboard
I refined the letters by adjusting their positions vertically and I added the baseline/x-height and cap-height guidelines to help refine my letters. I did the refinement on separate artboards.
Fig 3.9 Refined Letter "L"- 1st Attempt
Fig 3.10 Refined Letter "T"- 1st Attempt
Fig 3.11 Refined Letter "E"- 1st Attempt
Fig 3.12 Refined Letter "H"- 1st Attempt
Fig 3.13 Refined Letter "Y"- 1st Attempt
Fig 3.14 Before (Top) & After (Bottom)- 1st Attempt
After my first attempt of refinement, I felt that the letters would look better and organized if they had the same style. So I look for the similar thickness and shape of the letters and refine them more.
Fig 3.15 Refined Letter "L"- 2nd Attempt
Fig 3.16 Refined Letter "T"- 2nd Attempt
Fig 3.17 Refined Letter "E"- 2nd Attempt
Fig 3.18 Refined Letter "H"- 2nd Attempt
Fig 3.19 Refined Letter "Y"- 2nd Attempt
Fig 3.20 Before (Top) & After (Bottom)- 2st Attempt
After getting an online feedback, I had to adjust the thickness and moderation of the letters to make them look like they belong to one type family. And I had to use a typeface as a reference for further refinement.
I chose two typefaces as references. The Bebas typeface is to refer to the thickness and Futured is to refer to the slanted edges.
Fig 3.21 Left: Bebas, Right: Futured (References)
After feedback from my previous refinement, I had to adjust the slanted edges of the letters a little more.
Fig 3.22 Refined Letter "L"- 3rd Attempt
Fig 3.23 Refined Letter "T"- 3rd Attempt
Fig 3.24 Refined Letter "E"- 3rd Attempt
Fig 3.25 Refined Letter "H"- 3rd Attempt
Fig 3.26 Refined Letter "Y"- 3rd Attempt
Fig 3.27 Before (Top) & After (Bottom)- 3rd Attempt
After the feedback, I had to refine and adjust the thickness of the letters, L, T and Y to make it have the same thickness to the letter H.
Fig 3.28 Refined Letter "L"- Final
Fig 3.29 Refined Letter "T"- Final
Fig 3.30 Refined Letter "E"- Final
Fig 3.31 Refined Letter "H"- Final
Fig 3.32 Refined Letter "Y"- Final
Fig 3.33 Before (Top) & After (Bottom)- Final
Fig 3.34 Emdedded PDF of Final Letters
Type & Play- Part 2 (Week 5)
We had to choose a photo from the Internet that can be either man-made objects, buildings or nature. After choose an image, we have to write about 4-5 words relating to the image and express it accordingly.
Fig 4.1 Chosen image
I found my quote/phrase in a website relating to skateboarding quotes. This is the website:
"Courage is facing your fears"
I tried out the words on the image to explore and figure out a suitable structure to enhance with the image.
Fig 4.2 Progress on exploring the typography positioning in the image
I wanted to focus on the words so I saturated the image and try out different colour schemes.
Fig 4.3 Progress of trying out different colour schemes
Fig 4.4 Progress on the composition- 1st attempt
Fig 4.5 First attempt
After getting feedback, Mr. Vinod said that it meets the criteria and purpose of the exercise but there needs to be more excitement and exploration.
I looked for references in Pinterest and Google to look for exciting composition in posters that are done by other designers.
Fig 4.6 Reference #1
Fig 4.7 Reference #2
Fig 4.8 Reference #3
I decided to do more exploration with the words and make it more exciting by playing around the flow of the image and the text.
Fig 4.9 Second attempt #1
Fig 4.10 Second attempt #2
Fig 4.11 Third Attempt #3
Fig 4.13 Final Outcome
Fig 4.14 Embedded PDF of Final Outcome
1/4/19 (Week 1)
There was no feedback this week.
9/4/19 (Week 2)
General feedback: Mr. Vinod advised us to take note that engagement is very important while presenting. Make eye contact with the audience. Make sure when you present your point, show a visual with it. Both the audience and presenters should have questions. The textual information should not be run from left to right, include typography learning in your slides. For our typographic system exercise, keep in mind that the informational hierarchy is always important. Specific feedback: Mr Vinod said that all the layout for each system is alright. For the radial, the text should aim at a point. For modular, Mr. Vinod advised that I should use a grid and draw shapes.
16/4/19 (Week 3)
Specific feedback: Mr. Vinod commented that my modular system needs to follow the grid guide with rows and columns. And the text should not be beyond the margins or else the text cannot be seen when printed. Mr. Shamsul commented that there should be equal spacing between the text.
23/4/19 (Week 4)
Specific feedback: Mr. Vinod advised that I should use light grey for the background and highlight the words. For my modular, it should follow a specific grid and have equal spacing in between the text. Overall, the other system designs is alright especially my random system. For the type and play exercise, Mr. Vinod advised me to dissect the building more and then extract the letters and refine them.
Online feedback (Mr. Vinod): Please continue the process of refinement. I like the slant of the E and the non-slant of the other letters. It would be an interesting combination. I would suggest creating a consistent thickness and moderating the character so that there is only one major characteristic present in all letters as opposed to many. Keep them all straight accept for the E perhaps. Let’s see... continue the refinement. You will need quite a few attempts to bring to a point where it looks like a family of letters.Lastly please note that in all these cases, you would be flying blind if you do not refer to a typeface that is of similar look and feel to understand the conventions (rules/guidelines).
30/4/19 (Week 5)
Specific feedback Type & Play Part 1: Mr. Vinod said that my letter "E" and "H" were alright and have similar characteristics. He said to refine more on the slanted edge of the "L" to match with the "H" and maintain maybe the straight edge like the "E" and "H". The "Y" looks a bit weird at the top edge so he suggested to remove that and add just the slanted edge instead.
Online feedback (Mr.Vinod)- Type & Play Part 2: It conforms to the brief, but lacks experimentation, uniqueness, and possibly exploration. Your solution is very basic in nature.
1/4/19 (Week 1)
While sketching my designs to represent each typographic system, I felt that it was not easy to sketch them correctly. I did some trial and error to see it represents the systems.
While digitizing my layout for each system, I had some difficulties in keeping the same layout as I planned on my sketches.
16/4/19 (Week 3)
When doing the system layouts, I felt that the layout should use appropriate spacing and guides.
23/4/19 (Week 4)
It was easier to find the letters on the building when dissecting it with tracing.
30/4/19 (Week 5)
I had difficulty at first in trying to find the suitable image to design and express the words with it.
OVERVIEW: While sketching my designs to represent each typographic system, I felt that it was not easy to sketch them correctly. I did some trial and error to see it represents the systems. While digitizing my layout for each system, I had some difficulties in keeping the same layout as I planned on my sketches. When doing the system layouts, I felt that the layout should use appropriate spacing and guides. It was easier to find the letters on the building when dissecting it with tracing. I had difficulty at first in trying to find the suitable image to design and express the words with it.
1/4/19 (Week 1)
I saw that hierarchy and alignment is important when dealing with typography. It shows the reader which one to read first and most important.
9/4/19 (Week 2)
I noticed how there are different ways and methods in expressing the layout of text for each system.
16/4/19 (Week 3)
I observed how important paragraph spacing and leading is used in text. It should not be divided into many text boxes.
23/4/19 (Week 4)
I saw how letters are be created from any structure of buildings, plants, animals and many more.
30/4/19 (Week 5)
I noticed how some people designed their words with the image in different ways.
OVERVIEW: I saw that hierarchy and alignment is important when dealing with typography. It shows the reader which one to read first and most important.I noticed how there are different ways and methods in expressing the layout of text for each system. I noticed how there are different ways and methods in expressing the layout of text for each system. I observed how important paragraph spacing and leading is used in text. It should not be divided into many text boxes. I saw how letters are be created from any structure of buildings, plants, animals and many more. I noticed how some people designed their words with the image in different ways.
1/4/19 (Week 1)
I found out that original art should come from our experiences and knowledge instead of using references and inspirations from the internet. I find that a design will stand out more if it is different and unique compared to any other similar and common works. I observed how importance paragraph spacing and leading is used in text. It should not be divided into many text boxes.
9/4/19 (Week 2)
I found out that the layout of the modular system can be composed using a grid boxes like how we use in the grid system.
16/4/19 (Week 3)
I found out that maintaining equal spacing between each element and text to make the design less messy.
23/4/19 (Week 4)
I found out that we can create interesting letters from any texture or structure of an object.
30/4/19 (Week 5)
I discovered that the words will look more expressive with the image if it follows the flow and movement of the subject.
OVERVIEW: I found out that original art should come from our experiences and knowledge instead of using references and inspirations from the internet. I find that a design will stand out more if it is different and unique compared to any other similar and common works. I observed how importance paragraph spacing and leading is used in text. It should not be divided into many text boxes. I found out that the layout of the modular system can be composed using a grid boxes like how we use in the grid system. I found out that maintaining equal spacing between each element and text to make the design less messy. I found out that we can create interesting letters from any texture or structure of an object. I discovered that the words will look more expressive with the image if it follows the flow and movement of the subject.
Typographic Systems of Design by Kimberly Elam
Week 1
Fig 5.1 Book Cover
Chapter: Axial Systems
While reading this book, I got to understand more about the typographic systems. I read on the axial system which might be useful for my first exercise.
In the axial system, the text is either aligned left or right of an axis. They create a symmetric or asymmetric composition. Examples include trunks of trees, flower stems, etc. Usually, asymmetric composition gives more visual interest and simple arrangement.
In the axial system, the text is either aligned left or right of an axis. They create a symmetric or asymmetric composition. Examples include trunks of trees, flower stems, etc. Usually, asymmetric composition gives more visual interest and simple arrangement.
Fig 5.2 Example 1
Fig 5.3 Example 2
Reference List: Elam, K. (2007). Typographic systems. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, pp.12-17.
Grid Systems in Graphic Design by Mueller Brockmann
Week 2
After this chapter, it teaches me on the methods of constructing the grid by using squares or known as grid fields. Anything like the images, text, statistics, etc. are treated as grid fields.
For example, the type area. The space to create the grid fields depends on the type area which is the amount of text. They even show several examples of how to place the text in different number of grid fields.
Grid Systems in Graphic Design by Mueller Brockmann
Week 2
Fig 5.4 Book Cover
Chapter: Construction of the grid
After this chapter, it teaches me on the methods of constructing the grid by using squares or known as grid fields. Anything like the images, text, statistics, etc. are treated as grid fields.
For example, the type area. The space to create the grid fields depends on the type area which is the amount of text. They even show several examples of how to place the text in different number of grid fields.
Fig 5.5 Type and picture area in 20 grid fields
Reference List: Müller-Brockmann, J. (1985). Grid Systems in graphic design. Stuttgart: Hatje, pp.57-62.
The 3D Type Book by Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek
The 3D Type Book by Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek
Fig 5.6 Book Cover
When I was looking for typography books online, I came across this book that caught my attention. In this book, it was amazing and creative how the designer creates 3-dimensional forms of type from everyday objects. Before reading this book, I always thought that type is always created by hand or from fonts.
Fig 5.7 Examples of designing type on everyday objects
Fig 5.8 Using stationary to form letters
Fig 5.9 Using cooking technique to develop letters
Reference List: Jacquillat, A. and Vollauschek, T. (2011). The 3D type book. London: Laurence King Pub.Typographic Design: Form and Communication by Rob Carter, Philip B.Meggs, Ben Day, Sandra Maxa and Mark Sanders
Week 4
Fig 5.10 Book Cover
Chapter: The Typographic Message
In this chapter, I learned how typography is used to convey messages that will either educate, persuade, inform and entertaining people about it. To create a more aesthetic looking message, the text is created in a particular movement, form or alignment that shows clearly what will the people try to observe and know what the message is about.
I found some examples of typographic message found in different mediums and designed by various designers around the world.
Fig 5.11 Example 1 (Constructivist cover design for Veshch Gegenstand, Objet by El Lissitzky)
Fig 5.12 Example 2 ("ping pong" by Eugen Gomringer)
Fig 5.13 Example 3: Left (Syntactic manipulations & mimic verbal meaning), Right (Christmas tree by Donna Funk)
Fig 5.14 Example 4 (Cover of the first issue of Der Dada)
Fig 5.15 Example 5 (Letter E express in various concepts by Carol Anthony, Linda Dronenbury & Rebecca Sponga)
Fig 5.16 Example 6 (Visual exaggeration by Steff Geissbuhler)
Fig 5.17 Example 7 (A field of typographic forms, photos, colours by Sandra Maxa)
Reference List: Carter, R., Maxa, S., Sanders, M., Meggs, P. and Day, B. (2015). Typographic Design: Form and Communication. 6th ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp.111-120.
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