3/4/19 - 5/7/19 (Week 1- Week 14)
Andrea Vie Choong Jia Qi (0331945)
Design Research Methodology 

Proposal | Research | Research Implementation | Research Reports | Presentation


Lecture 1: Module Briefing/ Research

3/4/19 (Week 1)

On our first week of class, we were briefed on what will take place in this module. We also had a short lecture on research. We had to do a proposal for our research paper. 

Lecture 2: Problem Statement/Research Question/Research Objectives

9/4/19 (Week 2)

For this week, we were taught on how to write a problem statement, research question and objectives with our chosen topic. 

Lecture 3: Developing Your Research Question

17/4/19 (Week 3)

We learned on how to develop a research question in our proposal.

What makes a good research question?
  • Defines investigation
  • Set boundaries
  • Provides direction
But before thinking of a research question, the topic must be considered properly. The topic can be from our passion, experiences, readings, inspirations, theory and contemporary issues. It would be beneficial if it relates to our specialization or area of study.

Lecture 4: What is a Critical Review?

24/4/19 (Week 4)

We had a lecture on how to write a critical review and how to look for suitable articles and scholarly journals related to our topic.

Structure of a critical review:

Title: Bibliography (citation) *refer to talyor's library > user support as a guide to write the references in APA format.

Introduction: General overview of topic/question 

Body Paragraphs: 

1. Summary/description of original: summary of finding/research in the article/journal 
2. Evaluation of the text: own arguments to support or disagree with the summary above.

Conclusion: summarize your argument on the overall view of the text 


Lecture 5:-

1/5/19 (Week 5)

We did not have any lecture this week as it is a public holiday.

Lecture 6: Research Strategy (Quantitative & Qualitative Research)

8/5/19 (Week 7)

We had a short lecture on the differences between a quantitative and qualitative research. We also learned the different types of research techniques that we can use for our next task for research implementation. 

Quantitative Research: number-based and statistical tests are used for analysis
Qualitative Research: text-based and primarily used to formulate theory/hypotheses

Research Techniques:
1. Observation
2. Site visit/Field research
3. Contextual inquiry
4. Surveys/Questionnaires
5. Focus groups
6. Interviews
7. Diary studies
8. Brainstorming
9. Gamestorming

Lecture 7: -

22/5/19 (Week 8)

There was no lecture this week but we had to do slides on the two selected research methods that we want to carry out.

Lecture 8: -

29/5/19 (Week 9)

There was no lecture this week but we had consultation on our chosen research methods for research implementation.

Lecture 9: -

5/6/19 (Week 10)

There was no lecture this week as it was a public holiday and a e-learning week. We need to execute with our research methods.

Lecture 10: -

12/6/19 (Week 11)

There was no lecture this week. We had consultation with the lecturer to show our progress of our research implementation.

Lecture 11: -

19/6/19 (Week 12)

There was no lecture this week. We had consultation with the lecturer to show our progress of our research implementation and were told to do the data analysis on our data collection from the research methods we chose.

Lecture 12: -

26/6/19 (Week 13)

We had no lecture this week but we were briefed on our final presentation that will take place on Friday, 8th July. We continued to prepare for our presentation and compiled our projects as a report.

Lecture 13: -

3/7/19 (Week 14)

We had no lecture this week as we had no class so we continued to do our presentation slides for our presentation on Friday.



Module Information Booklet (MIB)


PROPOSAL (Week 1 - Week 4)

3/4/19 (Week 1)

We need to decide our area of interest, establishing an area (research problem) on where we want to do a research on. From that, we need to provide a rationale with our research evidence

I started to list down my areas of interest and finalized a certain area I am more interested in. I decided to read about interactive design and cultural heritage. I had to develop a research problem based on my readings. 

I read some of these articles relating to interactive design and cultural heritage.

[Interactive Media Definition]

[How Is Interactive Media Changing The Way Children Learn?]

[Interaction design for cultural heritage. A robotic cultural game for visiting the museum’s inaccessible areas]

[Digital meet heritage]

[Virtual museums': engaging with our cultural heritage through digital media]

[The Role of E-Learning in Arts and Cultural Heritage Education]

And I wrote my first draft of my proposal.

10/4/19 (Week 2)

From the guides and tips on writing my problem statement, research question and objectives. I decided to write them more specifically with citations from articles or scholar journals I have read.

17/4/19 (Week 3)

For this week, we continued with our proposal and got feedback from Dr. Hayati. I made some changes in my proposal. Then we had a library section on how to search for academic journals on various academic search engines.

24/4/19 (Week 4)

We submitted our final draft of proposal this week in a PDF.



24/4/19 (Week 4)

I found several scholarly journals that relates to my topic on user interface and cultural heritage. I compiled them into one folder so it is convenient to read and evaluate the articles easily and also to choose which article is relevant or not. We were told to download them as the source might no longer be available or taken down by the publisher.

Fig 1.1 Compilation of downloaded scholarly journals/articles

1/5/19 (Week 5)

There was no class this week so I continued with writing my first draft of my critical review.

This is the google docs link to my first draft.

8/5/19 (Week 6) 

After receiving feedback from Dr. Hayati, I need to explain what I have read in my own words and she showed me an example of a critical review. I continued to write with the remaining nine critical reviews.

15/5/19 (Week 7) 

I submitted my final 10 critical reviews in a embedded PDF.



15/5/19 (Week 7)

While looking through the lecture notes on the types of research methods. I decided some research methods that I will use to collect data for my research topic.

Types of methods:

1. Questionnaire/Survey (using google forms)

Reason: I chose this method because I want to get opinions from a different ages within millennial. 

2. Interview (face-to-face expert in Ipoh's Culture, Ian Anderson)- not sure yet

Reason: I chose this method because the interviewee may understand better on my purpose for this interview and answer appropriately.

3. Observation/Visual Analysis: site visits 

Reason: I chose this method because I want have a first hand experience and go deeper into the Ipoh's culture. 

22/5/19 (Week 8)

This week, there was no class but we were asked to finalize two research methods with explaining the what, why, who and how and the pros and cons of doing this methods.

I decided to focus on visual analysis as a qualitative method and questionnaire survey as a quantitative method. 

1. Visual Analysis/Observation

2. Questionnaire Survey

29/5/19 (Week 9)

After showing to Dr. Hayati about my two research methods, she is alright with them.  I had to design the survey layout in google forms with the questions I wrote in the slides.

Fig 1.2 Screenshot of Questionnaire

5/6/19 (Week 10)

Visual Analysis

Since this week is a e-learning week, I visited the museums and took photos of the mural arts that present and tells about the Chinese culture in Ipoh. I also observed and wrote down my findings from what I have discover and found while visiting these places. I also did a comparison analysis between my findings and other people's findings about the Ipoh's heritage.

Here is the attached google docs.


I shared the online questionnaire and waited for their responses. Here is the attached questionnaire in google forms.

12/6/19 (Week 11)

After receiving feedback on my survey and visual analysis, I need to add one more question of a category of websites and ask people which one do they often visit/like. After adjusting the question, I sent out the survey again to more people and shared it to research survey online groups.

For the visual analysis, I continued to update the information in the google docs by comparing my findings with other people's findings so it would not be too biased.

19/6/19 (Week 12)

After finalizing both research methods, I compiled both of them into slides. 



26/6/19 (Week 13)

For the presentation slides, I planned to compile every things from my proposal, critical review and research implementation in a simplified way so that it would be easier to understand and straight to the point. 

Here is the attached embedded slides of my final presentation.

And here is the compilation for my research report of the proposal, critical review and research implementation.




General feedback: We should always do a lot of readings when researching on our topic/issue we want to study on. It helps to increase our understanding in the topic and come up with a problem statement, problem question and objectives. 

Specific feedback: Overall, my topic area in culture heritage is alright except I need to choose a specific culture. For my problem statement, I should choose literature that are in the present. She told me that my research now can be expanded so it does not have to be a web design. 


General feedback: Dr. Hayati advised us to skim through the abstract and conclusion of the article so that we know whether it is relevant to our topic or not. 

Specific feedback: Dr. Hayati said that the critical review is based on your opinion and understanding from what you have read from the journal article. She showed me an example of a good critical review.


29/5/19 (Week 9)

Specific feedback: Dr. Hayati agreed to the research methods that I plan to do. She advised me to do some studies relating to the information on the Chinese culture.  Besides that, she wants me to design the survey on google forms and showed it to her as she wants to see the layout and how the questions will be asked.

5/6/19 (Week 10)

Online feedback: Dr.Hayati said to update the list of participants for my research. And she told me to go ahead with the survey.

12/6/19 (Week 11)

Specific feedback: Dr. Hayati said to add a question about which website category do users under 24 years old often visit. And she suggested to ask other  people who are not your friends or classmates, especially people who are in mass communication.

19/6/19 (Week 12)

Specific feedback: Dr. Hayati told me to get the responses ASAP and start doing the data analysis by comparing the data patterns. For my visual analysis, she said that you can compare your data to other journalist reviews or UNESCO sites. For the questionnaire, she advised me to aim for about 80-100 responses if it does meet my expectations of my research objective/ hypothesis.

26/6/19 (Week 13)

Specific feedback: Dr. Hayati advised me not to close the survey and leave it to be open as I can collect more responses from other people instead of remaining at my current number of respondents. She said it would be better if you could include people from age 30 and above and see their perspective in websites and it would be more interesting. For my visual analysis, she said to add other people views on the Ipoh’s heritage as well so it won’t be biased. She said to organize my blog properly, make sure there are no broken links and view it in a viewing browser not as an editing format.


3/7/19 (Week 14)

Today was suppose to be our presentation day but it was postponed till Friday so I continued to work on my presentation slides and practice my script. 

5/7/19 (Week 14)

After my presentation, Ms. Jinchi said that she can see how passionate I am towards the research topics I chose. Dr. Hayati and Ms. Jinchi said to remember when designing the website for Ipoh's heritage and culture using a minimalist style, I should not take away the cultural aspect in the Ipoh's heritage and culture and add in the modern style. And when I said most millennial prefer social media or entertainment, they said to maybe promote more on social media if I am doing this for my final project.


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