7/11/18- 21/11/18 (Week 11-Week 13)
Andrea Vie Choong Jia Qi (0331945)
Final Project
Andrea Vie Choong Jia Qi (0331945)
Final Project
Social Message Poster (Expression,
Hierarchy and Composition)
Lecture 11:-
7/11/18 (Week 11)
We had no lecture this week as it was a E-learning week and we are suppose to continue with our final project.
Lecture 12:-
14/11/18 (Week 12)
We had no lecture this week as we continue with our final project.
Lecture 13:-
21/11/18 (Week 13)
We had no lecture this week as we continue with our final project.
Module Information Booklet (MIB)
FINAL PROJECT (Week 11- Week 13)
7/11/18 (Week 11)
We were briefed on our final project, Expression, Hierarchy and Composition. We had to create an A3 poster on any social problems that happens within Talyor's University campus. Our message has to fill at least 3/4 of the poster with minimal graphics and one colour other than black and white.
I chose to do on a social problem, Respect towards peers, lecturers and staff in campus.
Before I start to sketch my ideas, I looked at various poster design samples that had good alignment and hierarchy in Pinterest. Here is the link that I saved the poster samples in.
After researching, I moved on to sketch my ideas down for my poster. I added margins, columns and rows to help me with the alignment of the words.
Fig 1.1 Sketches #1
Fig 1.2 Sketches #2
After sketching my ideas, I tried out some of the sketches I did by digitizing it in Illustrator.
Fig 1.3 Exploration of poster design in Illustrator (1st attempt)
After getting feedback from both lecturers, I realized that my poster design lacks of readability and alignment of my message/text. As well as, my idea of showing the topic, Respect is not clear enough in expressing in type.
I decided to go ahead with the third poster I designed previously as Mr.Shamsul suggested me to go ahead with that. I added some hierarchy between each letter from the biggest to smaller to show how important people like elderly people should be respected first. I also added a green colour to the word "people" formed by the two letters, P and E. The green is one of the colours that represents Respect.
Fig 1.4 Final Outcome of Poster Design (2nd attempt)
After getting feedback on my poster, I realized that I rely too much on graphics rather on the text. I should avoid that and try of how to express the words instead.
Fig 1.5 Final Outcome of Poster Design (3rd attempt)
I had to change the arrangement of the letter "C" to make it next to letter "E" and leave "T" at the bottom row to make it more readable. And also to add a text add the bottom to not make it look empty.
Fig 1.6 Final Outcome of Poster Design (Static)
After creating my poster design, I moved on to the animation part of it where the poster will be displayed on social media. We have to animate the text or words that are necessary in the poster.
Fig 1.7 Screenshot of artboards
Fig 1.8 Final Outcome of Poster Design (Animated)
31.10.18 (Week 10)
General feedback: We were told that if we wanted to use other fonts/typeface apart from the 10 type families given, we had to ask for approval before using it for our social message expression in the final project. Our message has to be fit about 3/4 of the A3 piece.
7.11.18 (Week 11)
I did not get any feedback this week as I continued to do my final project.
14.11.18 (Week 12)
General feedback: Mr. Vinod said that we had to do studies on existing poster design on the hierarchy and layout of the typography and sketch our ideas down before doing it digitally. He also mentioned that we can use existing quotes or lines relating to our topic instead of thinking of a new message.
Specific feedback: Mr. Vinod commented that I need to think about the topic, "Respect" more specifically as it is not an action word. He said I need to do some research on the alignments and hierarchy on poster designs and more sketching.
Specific feedback (Online): Mr. Vinod commented that the composition is very awkward. Issues of balance, and other principles related to design are not present prominently in the attempt. He suggested that I need to look at good samples. Mr. Shamsul commented that I should not use any graphical images and my line of words is not clear. He said that I need to work on layout and it does not have to be in a fancy position, it should be clear to tell the audience the message. He suggested to do more research and sketching.
Specific feedback (Online) 2nd: Mr.Shamsul's comment-The text that you arranged in the poster seems to lack of readability. Maybe the arrangement can be improve. You have the grid so the placement should align with the grid. The poster circled in blue is working and effective.
Mr.Vinod's comments- You have stretched the typeface. What's the idea? Just playing and placing words does not express the meaning. How do you show respect without showing two people bowing to each other. It has to come through in the type. One issue is the idea. Another issue is the composition. Where is the balance? How does this form sit well against the white background.
Specific feedback (Online) 3rd: Mr.Vinod comments- The Boeing Graphic don’t work. You are overly reliant on the graphic to communicate the message.Respect also means = equal treatment of others.There is a equal sign = in the E... do something with that maybe if you think it works.
21.10.18 (Week 13)
Specific feedback: Mr.Vinod said to move the letter "C" from the word, RESPECT next to "E" and leave "T" at the bottom row. He said that I don't have to add the green colour to indicate the equal sign on the "E". And add a text next to "T" at the bottom. It would be more readable this way.
7.11.18 (Week 11)
At first, I experience some difficulties in choosing which social problem to do on which occurs within the Talyor's University campus as I need to choose a topic that is relevant to the students in campus recently.
14.11.18 (Week 12)
I felt really stressed out because I have too many improvements to make for my project 1 and 2, so I decided to work on it again for the re-evaluation next week. As for the final project, I gained some knowledge on how other designers use alignment and hierarchy well to convey their message through their poster designs.
21.11.18 (Week 13)
I experience how alignment of the text is important when designing a poster. As well as choosing the colour to match the theme or concept of the poster.
7.11.18 (Week 11)
When I create my poster on respect, I saw that using the appropriate typefaces for the sentences or words is important as it tells the feeling and meaning behind it.
14.11.18 (Week 12)
When I research on some poster designs in Pinterest, I noticed that different designers have different ways of expressing their text which creates various feelings and understanding towards their typography.
21.11.18 (Week 13)
I observed how most of us have different ways of designing our poster in our own style and interpretation of the message.
7.11.18 (Week 11)
I found out that hierarchy of the text is important to think about when designing a poster. To show a clear hierarchy makes it easier for people to know which text to take note of or read first using different font size and design.
14.11.18 (Week 12)
I found that the layout of the typography does not have to be too complicated and fancy to attract people. It just needs to be able to understand it and easy to read.
21.11.18 (Week 13)
I found that a message can also be expressed creativity using only typography without any graphics used. However, it was not easy at the first time.
The Fundamentals of Typography by Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris
Week 11- Week 13
Chapter: Hierarchy
I found this book and read the chapter on hierarchy which could help decide on my hierarchy between the text of the social message in relation to my final project.
Fig 3.1 Book Cover
From this chapter, I realised that Hierarchy is considered one of the important aspect in typography. Basically, hierarchy is a logical and visual way to express the importance of various text by placing them in a proper order. This makes the layout clearer and easier to understand.
The title is usually set in the largest and boldest typeface to show its importance. The weight of the typeface can be reduce for the subtitles in order to show the differences with the title. The body text can be set to a smaller type size and captions can be used in italics as it is the least important.
*Tip: when working with hierarchy, you need to have an understanding of the types of information being used. Not every information needs a complicated hierarchy.
Fig 3.2 Visual example of hierarchy
Reference List: Ambrose, G., & Harris, P. (2011). The Fundamentals of Typography (Vol. 2nd ed). Lausanne: AVA Publishing,128-130. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.taylors.edu.my/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=430135&site=eds-live&scope=site
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