13/11/18- 7/12/18 (Week 12- Week 15)
Andrea Vie Choong Jia Qi (0331945)
Digital Photography & Imaging
Final Project
Cinemagraph (Surrealism Parallax)


Module Information Booklet (MIB)



12/11/18 (Week 12)

For this week, we were briefed on our final project, Cinemagraph- Surrealism Parallax. We had to photoshop or combine several photos to make it surreal. And later on to animate some light movement of the elements in the photo.We had to use the techniques we learned in the previous classes.

I researched some surreal art paintings for ideas in Pinterest.

Image result for Rafal Olbinski   Image result for surreal landscape art paintings  Related image  
Fig 3.1 Art paintings ideas 

And I came across this painting and used it as my reference to create my surrealism photo.
Fig 3.2 Reference art painting 

Before I start creating my surrealism photo, I analyse the following layers, the background, mid-ground and foreground (subject). 

Background: the sky and the clouds
Mid-ground: the mountains, snow path, trees
Foreground: the girl holding the umbrella


19/11/18 (Week 13)

After analyzing, I searched for free stock images to help me construct my surreal photo as well as my own photographs.

Fig 3.3 Photos that I found to create my surreal photo

From the photos I gathered, I started to plan out which elements should be in the background, mid-ground and foreground from the analysis I did for my reference artwork. And I placed them and edited each image to make it into one piece. 

I added some shadowing using the brush tool to make it blend well. I even added some other elements like the ducks and a clock tower to create more surrealism.

Fig 3.4 Background layer: sky & clouds 

Fig 3.5 Mid-ground: mountains & snow path

Fig 3.6 Foreground: girl with umbrella, clock tower and ducks

Fig 3.7 Screenshot of layers:  Overall surreal image

Fig 3.8 Animated GIF of my surreal image process

Fig 3.9 Final Outcome (Static)


26/11/18 (Week 14)

After creating my surreal image, I have to animate some movements in the image to create a cinemagraph/ surrealism parallax. I chose to animate the movement of the clouds, the girl is jumping and add some snowing effect.

Fig 3.10 Progress of Surrealism parallax


7/12/18 (Week 15)


Here is a Youtube video below of my surrealism parallax!


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